Daniel Göller

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Languages 💬

絵文字 Language Proficiency Description
🥨 German
L1 This is my first language (L1). I grew up with my family speaking dialect but I am not able to speak it. I would love to but as I am rarely at home these days, it is far more likely that I will acquire a different one in the meantime.
💂‍♂️ English C1/2 Most of my life and the media I am exposed to is in this language. There is a notable decline in vocabulary and grammatical correctness since I have started learning Italian.
🤌 Italian
B2/C1 Level depending on the capacity in question (reception ⇆ production; written ⇆ spoken). Most of this was self-taught using a self-contained book, apps and exposure to the language in Italy. During my exchange year to Padova and Rome, I took formal courses at university.
🥐 French
A2 Some courses taken from early 2022 on as I do understand a lot thanks to Italian and I just speak as much as my limited active vocabulary allows.
This did not work out that well in the self-taught manner. While I do not care about making mistakes in Italian, I am a perfectionist in Japanese ﹣ I do not want to offend anyone. This holds me back from getting the exposure and experience I would need to foster the knowledge I gained since 2016. I did pass the JLPT N5 test, which corresponds to A1/2.
❄️ Icelandic
≤ A1
Góðan daginn, ég er ennþá að læra íslensku. Gaman að hitta þig!

I would like to learn Thai and some Spanish español 🌶 in the future.

I am a proud user of language apps. You can follow me on some of them. Also, I am always happy for language tandems.